Table of Contents

We, the students of grade 10Üb, tackled numerous aspects of the Baroque: 

In chapter 14.1. we researched into basic aspects of the Thirty-Years-War (1618-1648) and found sad parallels of religious wars today. 

In chapter 14.2. I looked around in my own room, took some pictures and analyzed the “Baroque“ aspects of my flat (Vanitas, Carpe Diem etc.). I found quite a lot, parts of which you can see here... 

The authors of chapter 14.3., which shows a comparison between Baroque and modern fashion, found striking differences and hardly any parallels – except for the wish to „be beautiful and show off“. 

Who hasn‘ t ever been fascinated by ‘‘witches“?? It is their sad doom that is pulled out of the dark historical past in chapter. 14.4. 

For those who feel like following a short sightseeing tour through Baroque Munich - for teenagers ! - : just click here! (chapter.14.5.

A lot of Baroque music (Bach, Vivaldi,...) – and a little bit of modern music :this is our comparison  in 14.6. (originally with a piece you could listen to). 

„If a cat sneaks in from the right, you’ll have to face dark night“ – „Schwarze Katze von rechts – da pecht‘ s: Those who are not in danger of believing in superstition, can open this site just for “scientific“ reasons...(14.7.

So feel free to enter our world of Baroque! 

Ursina Meighörner