14.1.2. Discrimination

SFOR in Bosnia  

Racism as a trigger of wars  

In the past , but also today racism or hostility towads other people‘ s religion (cf. In the Baroque) sparked off wars. Thus in World War II Hitler‘ s hatred against Jews led to the holocaust – the killing of 6 million Jews. Hitler was a man who succeeded in manipulating his subjects, in making them trust him and persuading them that what he told them to do was just the right thing. Furthermore the basis for that had been created before: Unemployed people found scapegoats in the Jews, similar to Germans blaming today‘ s foreign workers in Germany as they are said to take away their jobs. Hitler employed the Germans and thus let them put their trust in him.  

Another example ist the orthodos Serbs‘ fight against the Muslims in the Bosnian war of today: Religious commitment as a pretext for aggression, plundering and deportation.  
The Baroque is still alive?  

Yasin Türkoglu/ Markus Froning/  Robert Sangu